Dynamizing Equity™ (dEq), "Transforming trauma into empowerment through somatic equity training"

The ‘Syndemic’ (two or more pandemics working synergistically) have impacted many,  particularly raising our collective consciousness regarding systemic racism. More organizations and corporations than ever have racial equity statements, are hiring DEI consultants, and working towards antiracism. And yet, even as organizations are taking steps (some more effective than others) we know that this work is not just organizational. Organizations are made up of individuals. The more rooted and grounded individuals are in the internal work, the more powerful the organizational work will be. We believe that true healing and justice can only be achieved when we recognize and address the impacts of racism on the body.

Therefore, the process that is needed in order for us to move forward requires practices that go beyond traditional DEI lectures, workshops, and training alone. Our approach must be DYNAMIC!

Dynamizing Equity - provides embodied leadership, workshop facilitation and coaching using somatics (body-based) practice to shift culture and drive racial equity outcomes that are measurable. Moving beyond traditional DEI (representation - bodies at the table), dEq's embodied equity system focus' on what people need to thrive (belonging - Interconnectedness). This work with and through the body is the foundation for transformational healing, and movement towards an emergent practice of racial equity.




